Project Life | Week 52...

Posted by Leanne on

Hello Sassy Friends! Ta-Da!! We've done it.  Completed Project Life 2014.
Today I get to share with you the final instalment of my epic journey of documenting 2014.  Introducing Week 52 | December 22 - 31, using the Sassy Scrapper December Project Life kit.
Week 52 is very photo heavy. The week of Christmas was a time to document traditions, both new and old, and to embrace the craziness of it all.  I have not written any words down on paper. eeeek! There is NO journaling at all. That's right.  You read that correctly.  I wanted to share the time we spent together in photos alone.  It tends to come across as extremely busy and that is because we were. *grin*  We try to cram so many activities in, all in the one week!
So, without continuing on with my spiel, here's a little look into the final week of our 2014.

Thanks for visiting today.  I hope I can continue to inspire you to create more Project Life spreads in 2015.  Let's keep documenting all the amazing events in our day to day lives.  Happy New Year!

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